Collaborative Divorce Services
Collaborative divorce is an alternative, non-adversarial method of dispute resolution between
you and your spouse or partner. This method offers the support and protection of
your own attorneys, but without going to court, and provides the benefit of child
specialists, divorce coaches, financial consultants, and others working on your team.
Unlike traditional divorce, collaborative divorce involves a commitment to open communication,
and maintains a strong focus on shared priorities and goals.
Collaborative Coaching
The collaborative coach is a mental health professional that works closely with you
throughout the collaborative process. The coach is part of the collaborative team helping clients
to clarify concerns, manage emotions, develop and reinforce effective communication skills. In
addition to their role on the team, the collaborative coach works in conjunction with the clients
and other coach to assist in developing a parenting plan. The coaches also work together with the
clients on effective co-parenting skills and post-divorce adjustment.
Child Specialist
The child specialist is a mental health professional that helps to provide information about
the children are coping with the divorce. This specialist can offer options for parenting plans
that meet both the developmental and psychological needs of the children.
The child specialist meets with the parents together or individually, gathers information from
collateral contacts, (teachers counselors) and reviews any documentation necessary to get a
thorough picture of the child's physical, emotional and social development. After Dana has met
with the parents, and children as well as gathered information from collateral contacts, she will
present a review of her impressions and suggestions for helping the family with the post divorce
transition. This meeting may be with the parents alone, or together. If the family is involved in
the collaborative process, the inclusion of the coaches is always valuable. In some cases, a
meeting with the attorneys is also very productive.
In a collaborative case the coaches or attorneys help facilitate the production of the parenting